Farmakognozi Anabilim Dalı

Yayın Yılı: 2024
Sayfa Sayısı: 111-124
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

Pharmacognosy is a multidisciplinary branch of science that deals with natural source / biological drug raw materials used as disease treatment (therapeutic) or prophylactic. Natural sources can be plants, animals, minerals, microorganisms, or marine organisms. Pharmacognosy covers all the steps starting from the collection, transportation, drying, storage of these raw materials, morphological and microscopic diagnosis and then preparation of extracts, fractionation and obtaining pure compounds from fractions, elucidating the structures of the obtained pure compounds, in vitro and in vivo investigation of the biological activities of extracts / fractions / pure compounds, use of the obtained effective parts in potential drug raw material formulations and obtaining drugs used in public health. It tries to establish a scientific basis by investigating the public's use of these natural resources. Pharmacognosy is one of the basic professional courses in pharmacy education. In addition to theoretical courses, practical laboratory courses also constitute the complementary other half of Pharmacognosy. It forms the basis of popular fields such as Pharmacognosy, Phytotherapy, and Aromatherapy.

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