Mavi Grup

Yayın Yılı: 2023
Sayfa Sayısı: 291-302
Kitap Dili : Türkçe

Anahtar Kelimeler

In 1963, artists such as Adnan Çoker, Devrim Erbil, Altan Gürman, Tülay Tura, and Sarkis Zabunyan founded the Mavi Group. While it is said that the name of the group was taken from the book of the French writer André Gide called "Blue Oak," it is also said that it is called the Istanbul group, and its name is taken from the blueness of Istanbul. Although it is said that the name of the group is taken from the blue color of Istanbul, there is no connection with blue in terms of color in the works of the group members (except Adnan Çoker). It is also concluded that Adnan Çoker's predominantly blue work in his paintings was influential in giving the name of the group. The main aim of the group members, who received art education from the West, was to produce art at an international level. Blue Group artists generally did not exhibit similar stylistic attitudes. The only similarity between the groups is that they produce works in an abstract expressionist style. The only exhibition that the group members, Adnan Çoker, Sarkis, Altan Gürman, Devrim Erbil, and Tülay Tura, held together was the exhibition they called the Blue Group, held in the Turkish-German Cultural Center in 1963. If we give an example of two artists who made significant contributions to Turkish art Among these artists is Adnan Çoker. Çoker combined European art education with Western art, focusing on Seljuk-Ottoman architecture as a theme. The east-west synthesis gave his  paintings anatomical structure. Few artists represent today's art and follow the current. Devrim Erbil: The influential contemporary Turkish painter Devrim Erbil was born in Uşak in 1937. Erbil joined the State Academy of Fine Arts in 1955 and studied under Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu, a prominent figure in contemporary Turkish painting. This helped his artistic growth and international expansion. His work was abstract, expressionist, and non-figurative. His recent works depict cities and nature. He worked in writing, engraving, pottery, mosaic, calligraphy, sculpture, stained glass, serigraphy, and lithography, as well as on canvas.

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