As is
known, semiconductor materials can be categorized according to whether they
have direct or indirect energy bands. It is known that materials with direct
band gaps can be used as both illumination and sensing sources. Indirect
bandgap materials are mostly used in the production of sensor products.
Innovative methods used in designing and producing sensors require integrating
the relevant materials into the electronic interface and creating a
communication infrastructure to the desired standards. These requirements bring
innovations in housing, guiding, electronic connection, and integration. The
limits of Moore’s law, developing photonics-based technologies and fiber
technologies offer different solutions in the field of imaging and sensing. In
the future, hybrid systems that may emerge with the development of quantum
technologies will offer different sensitivity, different detection, and
different types of examination in many fields. This
chapter will discuss the capabilities of direct and indirect materials with the
coating technologies used today, their working principles, and the differences
in their usage areas. The areas of use of the developed and to be developed in
the future sensor systems will be informed and their potential application
areas will be mentioned.
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